September 2–5, 2025
Greater Tacoma Convention Center
Tacoma, Washington
Bridging the Future: Innovations in Design, Construction, and Maintenance
Submission Deadline: 12 noon PST on Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The planning committee for the 2025 Western Bridge Engineers’ Seminar welcomes proposals for presentations from owners, designers, researchers, producers, contractors, and suppliers during the event, taking place from September 2–5, 2025, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, in Tacoma, Washington.
The Western Bridge Engineers’ Seminar is a biennial cooperative effort by the Federal Highway Administration and the Transportation departments of Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. The purpose is to facilitate the exchange of information between government agencies, consultants, contractors, educators, and suppliers on subjects of current interest to the design, construction, and maintenance of bridges.
Proposals that relate to the following topics are of great interest and are encouraged:
- Accelerated Bridge Construction
- Bridge Architecture & Historical Features
- Bridge Design & Construction
- Bridge Funding Programs & Implementation
- Bridge Information Modeling / Virtual Design & Construction
- Bridge Innovations & Alternative Delivery
- Bridge Inspection, Maintenance, & Instrumentation
- Bridge Load Rating Challenges
- Bridge Management & Performance Measures
- Hydraulic Modeling & Scour Analysis
- Innovative Materials for Bridge Construction
- Non-bridge Highway Structures (e.g., tunnels)
- Rehabilitation & Preservation of Bridges
- Seismic Design & Retrofit
- Presentations are limited to 30 minutes in duration, inclusive of time for questions and discussion.
- Presenters are encouraged to utilize PowerPoint to provide visual support to their speaking points.
- It is understood that the person who submits the proposal intends to participate in the presentation.
- Proposers are asked to communicate with all co-presenters regarding their interest and availability prior to submitting a proposal.
- All persons whose work is selected for inclusion on the program, including the primary presenter (the person who submits the proposal) and all co-presenters, are expected to register for the conference by 12 noon PDT on Wednesday, June 4, 2025, to confirm participation. The fee for the primary presenter will be waived; however, all co-presenters must pay the regular registration fee.
- Should their proposal be accepted, proposers agree to present on any day of the conference.
- This conference is an in-person event. Proposals for remote presentations will not be considered.
- Proposals of a commercial nature that promote products or services will not be considered.
- Proposals must be submitted via the online submission portal. Proposals sent by email will not be considered.
- A complete proposal includes:
(1) Complete contact information for the proposer and all co-presenters (address, phone, & email).
(2) A brief biography of the proposer and any co-presenters, written in the third person (250-word maximum per bio).
(3) The title of the presentation.
(4) A brief description of the presentation (250-word maximum). - Once you have assembled all required materials, click the button below to begin the submission process.
- Important: Once a proposal has been submitted, it may not be edited, thus it is crucial for the submitter to gather all required materials prior to beginning a submission.
- Proposals must be submitted by 12 noon Pacific Standard Time on Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
- Proposers will be notified of their status by Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
- Accepted presenters must confirm their participation by registering for the conference by Wednesday, June 4, 2025.