Professional Development I
June 1 - 6, 2025

PDI will begin Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. Pacific time. Attendees can choose to check-in one night prior to the start of the program or the morning of. All attendees must be on-site for each session during the entirety of the PD to earn their certificate of completion. 

Schedule at a Glance

Registration at 10:00 a.m.
Sessions from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception at 5:30 p.m.

Sessions from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Banquet Dinner at 5:30 p.m.

Sessions 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

A Team Building Experience - The Problem Facing Municipal Clerks

This session begins the process of building the learning community for the week with our first-time attendees. Through a variety of interactive exercises, we learn who is in the room and participants begin to learn how they see themselves within the group (and their organizations) – supporting, directing, analyzing – and the importance of each of those styles within a team. The importance of clear communication is covered through many of the exercises. Also, through creative exercises, participants learn there is more than one way to accomplish a task/assignment. Problem solving and negotiation skills come into play throughout the session. The most important take away from this session is the trust that is gained within the group which carries throughout the program.

Effective Business Writing – Writing Meeting Notes and Minutes

This session provides concise recommendations that help you reach your audience. Get an overview of how to layout memos, letters and other written communication pieces, including some changes in grammar that can make a big difference. Those who read meeting notes complain that minutes hide nuggets of action and decisions inside pages full of wordy, often useless text. In this session, you will learn how to condense meeting hours to minutes—minutes that meet the needs of today’s reader-in-a-rush.

Legal Issues (by State)

This session provides an overview of current laws, revisions, rules and regulations that apply to the professional clerk. You will learn how to identify potential intended and unintended consequences of actions or inactions.

Parliamentary Basics

Often the Clerk’s office is looked to as a resource – or expert – on parliamentary procedure for councils, boards or commissions. In this session, become familiarized with the role and purpose of parliamentary procedure to help meetings run more efficiently and smoothly. Learn how your agency’s rules interact with parliamentary procedure, practice motions that you are likely to encounter, and become familiar with the rules for debate and voting. Come ready to interact, practice, and build tools to become a confidant parliamentary resource for your agency and elected officials.

Intro to Records Management

Records are an essential organizational resource, enabling effective business decisions, ensuring accountability, and protecting the rights of the public. This course provides an overview of proven records management practices, including key concepts crucial for municipal records management, tailored for City Clerks of Washington, Alaska, and Oregon through engaging conversation and activities that explore how proper records handling impacts their municipal-level roles and responsibilities. 

Role of the Clerk

Explore the full spectrum of duties that are represented by the professionals we call clerks and discuss what it means to be a leader as the Clerk within your organization. This session will review the rich history of the clerk profession, as well as look to the future. Also, participants will learn the importance of advocacy for training and professional development opportunities.

Ethics – What do Values Have to do With it?

When someone asks you to do something and you have a "gut feeling" that something isn't right, what do you do? When asked to look the other way, does it matter who is asking or does it matter who it impacts? Is there ever an acceptable exception? These questions are not always easy to answer. Just because an action is legal, doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. Most Municipal Clerks are ethically-driven professionals who may encounter ethical issues such as conflicts of interests, campaign ethics, gifts and bribes, and the use of public resources over the course of their careers. Citizens have a longstanding and basic distrust of government agencies and their employees, and it seems this image is perpetuated by the decisions and actions of the few rather than the many (from the local to national level). As an ethical leader in the public sector, you must first understand your own worldview, values, and behavioral responses before creating a work environment that fosters ethics and credibility. This session will allow you to gain insight into your worldview, values, and responses. You will also gain an understanding of why others respond the way they do, and how the behavior of others influences your own. You will explore ways to confront ethical dilemmas and deal with them in a thoughtful and meaningful way.

Providing A+ Customer Services in the Public Sector

Who doesn't expect great customer service when asking for assistance, service, and guidance? In government, the customer service representative must adhere to a wide range of regulations, laws, and policies, and thus, the customer may not be satisfied with the response. During this session, attendees will learn how to develop a realistic customer service policy, how to consistently deliver exceptional customer service, and how to have a difficult conversation with a highly resistant customer. 

Institute Wrap-Up

After a week full of learning, we will reflect on the new concepts and principles introduced to us and determine how best to utilize our new learning when we return to the workplace. This work will be done in groups and on an individual basis, providing an opportunity to practice presentation skills with our peers.

The “WHY” of Ordinance Codification

Ordinance codification. What is it? Why is it important for a municipality to codify ordinances? In this session, participants will learn how codifying laws can increase clarity and consistency, reduce the risk of legal disputes and conflicts, and promote transparency and accountability in local government. Additionally, common misconceptions about codification and how it can help a municipality achieve its goals will be explored. Participants will learn about the benefits of codification and will receive guidance on how to implement it in a way that best suits the needs and priorities of the municipality. This session will provide insights and strategies for participants who have an interest or hands-on experience in codification, or simply want to learn more about it.