Professional Development II
June 8 - 13, 2025

PDII begins Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Attendees can choose to check in one night prior to the start of the program or the morning of. All attendees must be on site for each session during the entirety of the PD to earn their certificate of completion.

Schedule at a Glance

Registration opens at 10:00 a.m.
Sessions from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception: 5:30 p.m.

Sessions from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Banquet Dinner at 5:30 p.m.

Sessions from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Time is on Your Side

How many times have you heard yourself say, “I just don’t have time”. Time can be a friend rather than an enemy. This interactive workshop is a practical approach to the real every day business challenges of effectively managing your "overwhelming work load". You will learn how to eliminate time wasters, reduce interruptions, and keep your priorities straight. You will take away a full bag of time management tools that you will be able to immediately apply to your work life.

  • How to apply the concept of “Zero Time” to our work.

  • Methods of finding out exactly what is eating our time.

  • How to minimize interruptions from both the public and our co-workers

  • How to plan out your work so that deadlines are met on time, every time.

Understanding Yourself and Others

Until now, you might have thought that some of the people you work with came from another planet. Try as you may, you still don’t understand them and communication has become painful. This interactive workshop is a powerful look at what makes people tick. Learn about yourself and those around you by understanding how different personalities focus their energies, gather information, make decisions, and cope with the world around them. You will also learn to communicate more effectively and increase your conflict resolution skills.

Creating Successful Results and Relationships for Leaders

Successful leaders need to be self-aware of their strengths and abilities and skilled in communication, relationship building, and know how to bring a team together to collaborate on a shared vision and achieve the desired outcome. Together we will gain insight into why others would want to follow us. We will explore your communication style and how that style interacts with and influences others and how to flex your own communication style to get better results.

Advanced Records Management

Learn more about the professional discipline of records management at an advanced level, including the theory and practice of records and information processing.

Keys to Supervision

Great supervision is essential to bringing out the best in the people you supervise. Supervision skills take time to be refined. In this session, we provide the basics of supervision and help you to determine ways to enhance your supervisory skills.

Self-Care and Collaboration

The amount of change and loss in the past year has been overwhelming, and employees need fresh tools for working well under the strain. This highly interactive workshop is designed to facilitate connection and awareness, and to equip teams for working well together even from remote locations.

Two topics are unpacked in this engaging workshop; Self-Care that is do-able and supported in the workplace, and Self-Awareness of four universal pain responses to high stress situations. Practical and equipping, this workshop identifies key areas where stress prevents collaboration. Engagement with these two topics increase personal ownership of health and mindset for healthy work culture.

At the end of this workshop, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify what stressors are contributing to Cognitive Distortions in the workplace

  • Choose two daily and doable ways to start practicing Self-Care to combat Compassion Fatigue.

  • Learn what your tendencies are to self-protect in the workplace.

  • Choose an action step to reorient focus for healthy workplace culture.

How to Have a Meaningful Conversation

It is common to feel anxious or to put off having a conversation with a colleague, supervisor, friend, or family member because you fear the emotional response from the other person. Workshop attendees will be introduced to proven strategies for keeping the conversation focused on achieving a beneficial outcome for both parties absent the feared emotional response. Attendees will learn a conversation format that focuses on achieving results beneficial to both individuals, contains negativity, and is respectful and empathetic. Using real-time scenarios, participants will have an opportunity to practice using one or more strategies for having a meaningful conversation more confidently.

Creating your own Personal Vision Statement

After a week full of learning, we will reflect on the new concepts and principles introduced to us and determine how best to utilize our new learning when we return to the workplace. This work will be done in groups and on an individual basis, providing an opportunity to practice presentation skills with our peers.

Governance Groove: Mastering Municipal Records Management

During this course attendees will learn how to begin building a systemic approach to managing their organizations records through learning about key elements of Records Management Governance and how policies, procedures, standards, and practices help to create a framework that ensures the proper creation, maintenance, use, and disposition of government records.

Meetings – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Is your work week filled with meetings? Some that feel productive and some you just dread going to? What is it that makes some meetings worthwhile and others not? In this session we will do a deep dive on functional and dysfunctional meeting behaviors, how to analyze what is going awry, and strategize techniques you can use to make your meetings more productive. We will also explore ways for how you can influence better meeting skills within your agency.